If you are in need of any drilling services for an environmental assessment, well installation, mining, or any type of exploration, you can depend on the experienced team at Traut Companies. We have the latest technology and equipment and paired with our never-fail attitude, will ensure your project is a success. There is always a solution!
- Sonic Drilling Flyer (Printable PDF)
- Track Sonic Drilling Flyer (Printable PDF)
- Video Inspection and Geophysical Logging Flyer (Printable PDF)
Four Rig Fleet
- Three Versa-Sonic rigs with 50K Heads on Kenworth trucks
- SonicDrill (SDC550) track-mounted large size Sonic rigs with 50k heads
- Skid loaders are provided on job sites

- Core samples can be taken up to 600’ deep
- 4-inch and 6-inch diameter continuous cores in unconsolidated and solid formations
- 6-inch, 8-inch and 10-inch diameter temporary casing liner
- 4-inch x 5 feet Sonic Lexon liner cores
- Install monitoring or temporary wells up to 6-inch diameter
- Ability to do water profiling and vapor sampling
- Well abandonment and overshoot capabilities
- Test borings for municipal and high production wells
- Temporary wells for capacity test
- IDW Containerization and handling systems
- Support truck and rig can be separated to reconfigure for small locations
- Drill all over the contiguous United States
- Experience in drilling through water on a barge/mudbuggy
- Artesian well control
- Video camera, gamma logs, heat-pulse flow meter, and acoustic televiewer can be used on Sonic boreholes